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Nauru Public Holidays

Discover upcoming public holiday dates for Nauru and start planning to make the most of your time off.

Nauru currently celebrates 12 public holidays. Two of these holidays are celebrated over several days. Of the 12 holidays, 3 of the dates will change each year because their celebration date is calculated on the lunar calendar.

The government of Nauru retains the authority to add or extend holidays each year as one time or recurring events. Any one-time or new holiday must be made by official announcement of the government. Once the announcement has been made, employers are required to observe those dates.

Although there are not any specific laws regarding the movement of weekend holidays to the following Monday, it has become common practice. For the last several years, all official lists released by the government at the end of the year for the holiday dates of the following year show weekend holidays being moved to the following Monday.

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