Tajikistan Public Holidays
Discover upcoming public holiday dates for Tajikistan and start planning to make the most of your time off.
The Republic of Tajikistan is located in Central Asia and currently celebrates 13 national holidays. One of these national holidays is usually spread out over a three or four-day celebration. Several of the holidays that are celebrated within Tajikistan are based on the lunar cycle and the dates will change each year.
National holidays are regulated by the Laws of the Republic of Tajikistan on Public Holidays. These laws are also found in the Tajikistan Labor Code. The law provides the president of Tajikistan with the authority to create new holidays that are one-time events if necessary or to propose new holidays that will reoccur each year.
According to Chapter 6, Article 83 of the Labour Code of Tajikistan, employers must provide all employees with a paid day off for a national holiday, with the exception of three special holidays. This Article further states that if the employees are required to work on a national holiday based on the job that is performed, then a substitute paid day off must be given to the employee.
The Labour Code also states that employers must provide employees with a shortened work day by at least one hour the day before a national holiday. This is mandatory, even if the person is required to work on the holiday. The only exception is if the day before the holiday is a weekend day or day of rest.