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Navruz 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Tajikistan

In Tajikistan, Navruz is a much celebrated national holiday that serves to help give the country a national identity apart from its former domination by Turks and Russians. During the USSR days, Navruz was banned in Tajikistan, but now it has made a big comeback.

202521 Mar to 24 MarFri to MonNavruz Holiday
202621 Mar to 24 MarSat to TueNavruz Holiday
202721 Mar to 24 MarSun to WedNavruz Holiday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Navruz is the Persian New Year celebration, but it spread to all of Central Asia and parts of the Caucasus, besides just staying in Persia (modern Iran.) Many in this region have a common ethnic heritage as “Aryans”, and Tajikistan was part of the region the ancient Greeks dubbed “Ariana”.

The word “Navruz” means “new day”, and it occurs at the Vernal Equinox, which marks the commencement of spring. Normally, it falls on or around 21 March, but the date can vary. And in Tajikistan, people celebrate for a full week.

The people of Tajikistan wear colourful clothing and march in the streets for Navruz. There are speeches by the president and other officials, and the themes carefully avoid religion and politics as things that can divide. Novruz in Tajikistan is all about national identity and national unity.

Previous Years

202421 Mar to 24 MarThu to SunNavruz Holiday
202321 Mar to 24 MarTue to FriNavruz Holiday