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Fiji Public Holidays

Discover upcoming public holiday dates for Fiji and start planning to make the most of your time off.

Most workers in Fiji are entitled to nine paid holidays per year. Each major religion recognized in Fiji has a dedicated public holiday. If a public holidays falls on a weekend, workers are entitled to a paid holiday on the Friday before or the Monday after the holiday.

Most major regions honor annual celebrations, known as festivals or carnivals. Most festivals are relevant to the heritage and culture of a respective region, but are not designated as public holidays.

Holi, the Hindu Festival of Colors is a celebration held in February or March of each year, but is not designated as an official public holiday. Ram Naumi, a traditional Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Lord Rama may be designated as a holiday by some employers.

In Fiji, the Easter celebration begins on Good Friday and continues until Easter Monday, a total of three paid public holidays. Palm Sunday and Rafu Sir Lala Day, a celebration commemorating Fiji’s first modern statesman are deemed festivals and are not recognized as public holidays.

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