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Custom Chief's Day

Custom Chief’s Day 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Vanuatu

Custom Chief’s Day honours the important role of chiefs in Vanuatu culture and society.

20255 MarWedCustom Chief's Day
20265 MarThuCustom Chief's Day
20275 MarFriCustom Chief's Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

In the widely scattered, South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu, chiefs have always been the most powerful and influential of local political figures. Even today, after a century of British-French rule and the erection of parliamentary national government, local chiefs retain “clout.”

The council of chiefs called the “Malvatu Mauri” still gives parliament guidance on cultural matters, and the national holiday called “Custom Chief’s Day” honours the ancient role of chiefs every March 5th. The holiday has continued since 1977, and each of the nation’s 83 islands has its own unique ways of celebrating it.

While events vary from island to island and village to village, look for large feasts featuring native cuisine, traditional singing and dancing, public sports matches, carnivals, agricultural shows, arts displays, and other intriguing cultural events.

Previous Years

20245 MarTueCustom Chief's Day
20235 MarSunCustom Chief's Day
6 MarMonCustom Chief's Day Holiday