Tonga Public Holidays
Discover upcoming public holiday dates for Tonga and start planning to make the most of your time off.
Tonga currently celebrates 11 national holidays each year. National holidays are regulated under the Tonga Public Holidays Act which was revised in 1988. This law establishes the 11 national holidays and grants the right to the King to declare one-time official holidays throughout the year at his discretion.
Holidays that occur on a Sunday are celebrated on the following Monday. However, even though Saturday is considered a non-working day, any holiday that occurs on a Saturday remains on that date.
The coronation day of the current king is also deemed a national holiday under Tonga law. However, the current king was crowned on his birthdate, also a national holiday. Because of this, Tonga has added ANZAC Day to their register of national holidays. In the future, this will change.