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Full Moon Day of Tazaungmone

Full Moon Day of Tazaungmone 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Myanmar

The day of the full moon during the Myanmar Tazaungdaing celebration, or “festival of lights,” is called the day of Tazaungmone. It is a public holiday in Myanmar, coming at the end of the rainy season but varying as to where it lands on the Western calendar.

20253 Nov to 4 NovMon to TueFull Moon Day of Tazaungmone
202623 Nov to 24 NovMon to TueFull Moon Day of Tazaungmone
202712 Nov to 13 NovFri to SatFull Moon Day of Tazaungmone
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Buddhist monks don new robes on Tazaungmone. These robes are often given to them as offerings of the people. They may also receive such things as new slippers, an umbrella, bath soap, or food to eat. Some also give the monks money, and the cash donated will be put on display on wood-framed “trees” for all to see.

There is a contest held late on Tazaungmone to see which group of weavers can complete an entire robe before morning. The robe will be used on statues of Buddha.

Perhaps, the most popular celebration, and certainly the most colourful, is the hot air balloon event in Taunggyi. Many tourists attend, and many locals arrive on pilgrimages. Many of the balloons are made of paper, shaped like various animals, and lit up inside. The balloons are released at night all at once, creating a stunning sight you won’t soon forget.

Finally, many locals prepare and share “bitter Mezali-bud salad” with family and friends on this day, believing that consuming it will prevent their contracting all manner of diseases.

Previous Years

202414 Nov to 15 NovThu to FriFull Moon Day of Tazaungmone
202326 Nov to 27 NovSun to MonFull Moon Day of Tazaungmone