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Makha Bucha Day

Makha Bucha Day 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Thailand

Makha Bucha Day is a Buddhist holiday celebrated in Thailand. It is based on the Buddhist Lunar Calendar and comes in February or March on the Gregorian Calendar. The celebration is held during the third lunar month of the year because Buddha is said to have delivered certain of his teachings at this time.

202512 FebWedMakha Bucha Day
20263 MarTueMakha Bucha Day
202721 FebSunMakha Bucha Day
22 FebMonMakha Bucha Holiday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

On this day long ago in India, 1,250 of Buddha’s followers came to see him on their own initiative without a scheduled meeting. All of these followers were said to be “enlightened ones” whom Buddha himself then ordained as teachers. He gave them the main, core teachings of Buddhism to pass on. These teachings were: cease from evil, do good, and cleanse your mind.

Over 40 years later, on this same day, it is said that Buddha made the decision to reach “Nirvana,” which means the mind departing from the body and the body dying. It was three months later, on Visakha Bucha Day, when this happened.

In Thailand, people go to Buddhist temples on Makha Bucha Day to take part in rites and to “earn merit.” They may also abstain from alcoholic beverages, give food offerings to monks, meditate, and take part in a late-night candle procession.

Previous Years

202424 FebSatMakha Bucha Day
26 FebMonMakha Bucha Holiday
20236 MarMonMakha Bucha Day