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Labour Day

Labour Day 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Macau

Labour Day is a major public holiday in Macau, as well as mainland China. The holiday is also called May Day or Workers Day.

20251 MayThuLabour Day
20261 MayFriLabour Day
20271 MaySatLabour Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Labour Day on 1 May is an off-work day for those in Macau and mainland China, and it’s a huge tourist day in Macau. As many as 500,000 or more visitors flood into Macau every Labour Day, especially for the years when the holiday creates a long weekend.

The gambling industry is the main cause of the tourist surge, as Macau is a gaming centre in the region. The casinos are packed, hotels are sold out, and the streets are crowded with tourists.

In addition to being a day of recreation, Labour Day traditionally seeks to draw attention to the contributions and rights of workers to the economy.

Previous Years

20241 MayWedLabour Day
20231 MayMonLabour Day