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Days of History and Commemoration of Ancestors

Days of History and Commemoration of Ancestors 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Kyrgyzstan

In the Central Asian Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution, or “Social Revolution Day” for short, had long been a public holiday. But since 2017, this holiday is now known as “Days of History and Commemoration of Ancestors”.

20257 Nov to 10 NovFri to MonDays of History and Commemoration of Ancestors
20267 Nov to 10 NovSat to TueDays of History and Commemoration of Ancestors
20277 Nov to 8 NovSun to MonDays of History and Commemoration of Ancestors
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The new name says “Days”, plural, because now the holiday also covers 8 November instead of just 7 November. The move essentially masks over, if not eliminates, the USSR-era October Revolution Day in Kyrgyzstan. As such, the name-change was controversial both at home and abroad, drawing sharp criticism from Russian officials.

The Russian Revolution overthrew Czarist Russia, but established a socialist dictatorship in its place. That brings mixed feelings to many in Kyrgyzstan because their ancestors suffered genocide under the hand of the Czar during a draft rebellion in 1916, while many also suffered and died during seven decades under Soviet rule.

While the events of 1916, World War I, and the days of the USSR may seem distant to many in Kyrgyzstan today, the new two-day holiday replacing Social Revolution Day is meant to remind them of their heritage.

Many, however, still refer to the holiday by its older name, and some may even hail the October Revolution as a victory for freedom. But one thing everyone agrees on is that the two-day break from work is supremely welcome!

Previous Years

20247 Nov to 8 NovThu to FriDays of History and Commemoration of Ancestors
20237 Nov to 8 NovTue to WedDays of History and Commemoration of Ancestors