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Children’s Day

Children’s Day in Cambodia

On 1 June, it’s International Children’s Day in Cambodia and in some other countries of the world. Children’s Day is based on a UN observance and is related to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

In Cambodia, Children’s Day is a public holiday. It is a day to appreciate children and the contributions they make to the family and to society. It is a day for parents to spend time with their children and to show them that they are loved.

Children’s Day is also meant to bring attention to the plight of children in Cambodia, where unfortunately, sex trafficking, child labour, and other problems are not that uncommon.

Besides local media and fundraising campaigns designed to raise public awareness and fund children’s charities, there are also special programs that take place on Cambodian Children’s Day. And there are often government and private-based initiatives to provide food to poor children, children who are in prison, and to children whose parents are in prison.

There will also be attempts to improve living conditions of children throughout Cambodia and to take extra measures against child labour, child sex rings, and other notorious abuses of children.

Previous Years

20191 JunSatChildren's Day
20181 JunFriChildren's Day