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Islamic New Year

Islamic New Year 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Brunei Darussalam

Islamic New Year is a public holiday for the people of Brunei. Many will fast and pray throughout the month of Muharram, especially during the first 10 days.

202527 JunFriIslamic New Year
28 JunSatIslamic New Year Holiday
202617 JunWedIslamic New Year
20276 JunSunIslamic New Year
7 JunMonIslamic New Year Holiday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The first day of the Islamic year is called “Awal Tahun Hijrah,” in reference to the first day of the Islamic “Hijrah” Calendar. The Islamic Calendar and dating system begins with the “hijrah” (flight) of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in C.E. 622.

In Brunei, both Western New Year’s Day on 1 January and Islamic New Year’s Day on 1 Muharram are publicly recognised holidays. This makes sense since Brunei is predominantly Muslim and yet is interconnected to the rest of the world that largely follows the Gregorian Calendar.

Previous Years

20247 JulSunIslamic New Year
8 JulMonIslamic New Year Holiday
202319 JulWedIslamic New Year